Friday, July 3, 2020

Double your YouTube earnings by targeting popular topics with the push of a button

In this video, we’ll show YOU how to find trending video topics on YouTube for FREE!Hello TubeBuddies! We wanted to show you how you can easily find trending video topics right from TubeBuddy'sKeyword Explorer.

Creating videos around a trend that is related to your channel is a great way to grow youraudience, and talk about something new on your channel, for example if you’re a gamingchannel and there’s a new game on the horizon.

 Maybe, you’re a film-making channel anda brand new piece of gear is about to be released, whatever the reason there are ways to identify trends on YouTube, and here’s how YOU canidentify trends for FREE using TubeBuddy! To get started, click on the TubeBuddy dropdown menu, and under extension tools click "Keyword Explorer.

Here you’ll see our keyword research tool, but under that you’ll see “What’s trendingfor YOUR location!Since I’m based in the United States, it says the United States here! You can change which country you're in, by clicking on it here, and selecting where you’relocated. 

I’ll select my good friend and co-worker Rob’s home country of Canada. As you can see the trending results have changed.This is important, because if your audience is mainly from your country, or other countriesit’s good to know what people are interested about there.

 Since I’m based in the U.S. I’ll switch it back to the U.S.
 There are two things you can do with trending topics, you can explore them with keyword explorer by clicking the green explore here, or open them up in Google Trends, where we get this data by clicking here.

 Andrew: A great strategy for trending topics comes from our friend Salma Jafri!Salma says that Evergreen + trending = a great com [Interrupted glitch sound plus skype calleffect] What? Salma: Hey Andrew, are you quoting me again? Andrew: OH!Hi Salma! Yes uh what you said about Trending Topicsis great, and you have a lot of content onyour channel about it!Salma: Exactly, and you do know you couldask me about trends too right?This is an area I have extensively covered!(laughs)Andrew: (Camera Zooms in, Light Bulb Effect)You’re right Salma, you do have this covered.
Thanks!Salma: Wait what?Andrew: I’m going to be playing Animal Crossing!You got this Salma!Salma: Wait Andrew!?Ok well what he was saying is true becauseEvergreen + trending topics is a great strategyto grow your YouTube channel and to get consistentviews and traffic.

(Feel free to write whatever you want abouttrending within google trends, but keep itFOCUSED on TubeBuddy and it’s keyword researchpart.

I’ll show how you can toss it back to me.

)In fact, let me show you a screenshot of mylast say 20 or so videos that I’ve made,and you can see in these videos there is amix of evergreen and trending topics.
So the trending topics, the first one is LockDown Video Ideas, second one was a ZOOM tutorialfor beginners, and the third one was aboutZOOM going live on YouTube using Zoom, whichI made earlier, but because it started trending,I linked it with the ZOOM tutorial and thatstarted to grow significantly as well.

So, when you go to Google Trends, you cansee that lockdown videos is trending and itstarted trending around the same time I madethis video, and Zoom tutorial is also a trendingterm when I made this video, right?So you can see that growth came from thosetrending topics.
But you can also see that there are Evergreentopics in there which traditionally performwell on my channel, and they bring me good,consistent growth.

So now let me take you further behind thescenes and show you the result of this strategy,so I am going to take you and show you threegraphs: my views, watchtime, and subscribergrowth during the last 90 days when thesevideos were created. Alright so this is what I’d like to callthe new normal, and I will explain where thatterm comes from in just a second.

So the first graph is the views graph, andyou can see on average I used to get on average2,000 views a day, but after implementingthis strategy, now my channel is getting 5,000views per day.
Similarly for watch time, you can see is was6,000 minutes per day, and now it 15,000 minutesper day. And now finally for subscribers, you can seeit was 30 subscribers per day, and now it’s90-100 per day.

So the new normal is when you have a mix ofEvergreen and Trending Topics that actuallyelevates your channel and the new normal becomesthe new average for your channel as a resultof this strategy.

So you can see that the trending topics bringin the new subscribers and the surge in growth,while the evergreen topics, which are in yourcontent library already, they are the onesthat perform well foryour channel as a result of this combinationof trending and evergreen.

Now, if you were to only focus on trendingtopics for your channel, then you might experiencea lot of highs and lows because trends reachtheir maturity and then die and then yourchannel will be very volatile in terms ofgrowth, but on the flip side, if you onlyfocus on evergreen topics, then your channelmay never experience these new surges andnew subscribers and it would not be able tohave those higher baselines.

It might be stuck on that level and not havethat surge.

So how do you identify both those trendingtopics and evergreen topics?Now, I’m going to do that inside of TubeBuddy.

I’m going to open up my laptop and walkyou through that.

Alright so let’s say I run a tech channel,and I realize Sony has come out with a newcamera and I do a search for Sony ZV-1, andwhat I’m going to see right now, and I knowthis is a trending topic because look at thistop stories on CNN were 2 days again, andthere are very new videos made that were outtwo or three days ago by influencers who wereprobably given the camera, right?So this is an example of a trending topic.

Now, I want to go inside TubeBuddy, so I amgoing to go to my YouTube channel and clickmy TubeBuddy button here, and then I am goingto go into Keyword Explorer, launch the keyword,and type in the keyword I’ve identifiedas possibly trending.

Now as I’m typing it, you can see that it’sgiving me options, so that you can see thatas I’m typing, the autocorrect is suggestingso that you can see that it’s saying thatthis is a video that you should probably lookat or a keyword you should probably look at.

So I’m going to click on Sony ZV-1 you cansee that it is good but I am going to go tounweighted just to give you a more balancedperspective so that it’s not influencedby my channel.

Alright, so what I am going to do next isto go to the historical tab and see if thisterm is actually trending, and you can seethat worldwide in the past 12 months on YouTube,those are the search filters you can see thatthis term is actually trending and this datais taken directly from Google trends.
In fact, if I were to go to Google trendsand do this exact same search, I just wantto show you it’s going to look exactly thesame.

So this trends data is integrated into TubeBuddy,so if I were to type in Sony ZV-1 here anduse the same search parameters so let’smake this worldwide, past 12 moths, and YouTube,then you would see the exact same graph hereand the exact same graph here right?So that is one way of identifying inside TubeBuddywhat search term is trending.

So the next things you want to do is identifya search term that you could possibly makearound, so Sony ZV-1 is rated fair insideTubeBuddy, so I want to look for a term thatwould give me at least a good or very goodrating, or perhaps an excellent one.
So if I do camera, it’s still fair, so I’mgoing to go back here.

You can use TubeBuddy’s related search featurehere and find a keyword that you can actuallyrank for, and that gives me a rating of good,so that could be a possible video to createif I were a camera channel, tech channel,review channel, an unboxing channel, or achannel with comparison of different cameras.

So you want to play around with this TubeBuddyfeature and also go into web searches andvideo topics to perhaps find more ideas ormore related ideas, so your key term is theSony ZV-1, and then these are all the ideasthat TubeBuddy is suggesting so you want togo into all of these and see which one couldyou have a better overall score and rankingfor.

So as you’re looking over a graph of a trendingtopic, the time to make a video on a trendingtopic is right at this point just as the trendis taking off.

Now when you’re looking for evergreen topics,you’re applying the same strategy, exceptin this case you’re looking for high searchvolume and low competition.
Let me tell you what I mean by that.

So let’s go to a search term that I wouldtypically rank well for which is speak naturallyin YouTube videos, right?So that is something that is a very good fitfor my YouTube channel, and as you can see,I would rank very good for this particularkeyword because YouTube knows that my coreaudience would love this and because I alreadyhave similar videos out on my channel, soI have a very good chance of ranking for thiskeyword.

So for evergreen, you are looking for highsearch volume, low competition and stuff thatyour channel historically ranks well for whichwould appeal to your core audience.
So you might be thinking well how many videosshould you create on trending topics and howmany on evergreen.

Well, I like to invoke the 20/80 principleinto this, which states that 80% of your resultsare going to come from 20% of your videoswhich is really true on YouTube, so I thinkthat if you’re planning out the next tenvideos, focus on making eight videos on evergreentopics that you know your core audience willlove and focus on 2 trending topics for yourchannel.

The 2 trending topics are going to help yourchannel surge up and bring in new subscriberswhile the evergreen topics are going to haveconsistent growth and create a new baselinefor your channel.
If you’re looking for more information ontrending topics, there’s a bunch on my YouTubechannel.
Just search for Salma Jafri trending topicsand you’ll be able to find all of thosevideos for more in depth analysis.

Thank you so much for Andrew and TubeBuddyfor having me on your channel, and now it’sback to you Andrew. How to Toss it back to me)Salma: Thank you so much Andrew and TubeBuddyfor having me on!Back to you Andrew!(Andrew seen playing his switch)Why does fishing have to be-- Uh.

Thank you Salma!That’s awesome!What Salma said is awesome, and we highlyrecommend checking her channel out!Trending topics are a great way to earn youmore views on YouTube, and if you plan accordinglyit can help you a chance to grow, by givingyou the opportunity to jump on a trend andget more views!Do you want to learn how to use TubeBuddy’skeyword explorer to the fullest and help youearn more views?Check out that playlist on screen now to learnhow to use it.

Be sure to subscribe and hit that bell notificationfor TubeBuddy and Salma Jafri’s YouTubechannel for more YouTube Tips and Tricks.

I’m Andrew Kan from TubeBuddy, now go outand start looking for trending topics thatYOU can cover!

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